Support Your Student
Our school-wide programs are not only based on effective means of improving student achievement but also include strategies to support family engagement.
Since family engagement is a key component to student academic achievement, Title I schools provide training to their staff to show them how to effectively include parents as partners in their children's education. Parents of students attending Cherokee County Public Schools, especially Title I schools, are encouraged to be a vital part of the students' learning team. Schools provide materials and training to parents in how to support the child's social-emotional and academic progress.
Parents in Title I schools also collaborate with educators to develop a written parent involvement policy that is distributed to parents and to plan and implement parent involvement strategies for the school. Through training and collaboration, parents and educators alike discover that parent involvement can take many forms and can provide a boost to the child's academic and social-emotional success.
Although special populations such as homeless students, youth, and their families and other at-risk subgroups encounter distinctive problems that make receiving a quality education more difficult, Cherokee County Public Schools are committed to providing appropriate educational services that meet these students' learning needs. The supplemental staff, materials, and effective strategies provided through Title I funding go hand-in-hand with the dedication and commitment of educators, families, and community members to move economically-disadvantaged students toward a brighter future.
Information for Families
Parents’ Right To Know:
- Parents may request information about staff members' credentials. Ask your child's principal about how to do this and/or check the school's website for information.
- Parents have a right to Know how your child's school is performing. The North Carolina School Report Card provides detailed information about our schools.
- We believe it is important to provide parents with information about their schools. To help accomplish that goal, this site provides progress reports for each school in the Cherokee County Public School System.
- Parents have the right to request and be provided with information regarding any state or local educational agency policy regarding student participation in any assessments mandated by the state or local educational agency.
For more information contact: